Easy Art Drawings In Pencil
When I was growing up I always thought that you needed natural artistic ability to be able to draw, so I never even tried. Just like something sparked in you at some point. I then set out to learn the secrets of the masters. Moving from one drawing course to the next. If I was lucky to get a good instructor I got a little bit better. More often than not though the tutors just let you do your own thing, you had to find the artist inside yourself.
Then one day as I was sitting at the dining room table struggling with a drawing it suddenly struck me. I finally knew what the problem was. I knew why I wasn't getting any better. I was drawing, but I didn't understand what I was drawing. From that point on I spent all my time trying to understand what I was doing.
-Easy Art Drawings In Pencil
-Art Drawings In Pencil
-Pencil Drawing Made Easy