The best app for kids to learn, solidify and brush up their basic Math.
The best app for kids to learn, solidify and brush up their basic math by training and game.
It is intended to drill the kids in Training mode for each math operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiply, Division and the mixed mode). Once kid is confident, he/she can check his brain response by playing the game.
This app is customized for pre-school and primary students with different difficulty levels.
• You can take the quiz for learning for unlimited iterations. Once you want to restart, Press the ClearHistory Button on the front page and here you go
• You can play the Game also unlimited time for free
• Kids can train the basic math operations separately as well as combined in Mix mode
• Parents can track the result and progress in practice sessions
• The app offers 3 difficulty levels as following
Low : Intended for pre-schoolers to 1st graders
Medium : Intended for 2-3 graders
High : Intended for 3-4 graders
• Difficulty levels can be changed on the fly during Quiz sessions, but not during the game in order to keep the concentration
• You can always track your training progress in score charts in detail
• Once the kid feels confident with arithmetic operations, he/she can play and enjoy the game.
Get trained and Enjoy !!!