For every subject there is a Bible This has to be the one for Social Psychology.
Summary :
Newly revised and up-to-date, this edition of The Social Animal is a brief, compelling introduction to modern social psychology. Through vivid narrative, lively presentations of important research, and intriguing examples, Elliot Aronson probes the patterns and motives of human behavior, covering such diverse topics as terrorism, conformity, obedience, politics, race relations, advertising, war, interpersonal attraction, and the power of religious cults.
This is one of the best and most illuminating books I have ever read.
This book is what every self-help book dreams of being; instead of anecdotes or feel-good advice, there's 400 pages of meticulously referenced (sadly just endnotes, not sidenotes or footnotes) peer-reviewed articles. Aronson's life work is, as he concludes the book, understanding "how we think, how we behave, what makes us aggressive, and what makes us loving." So many books peck around the edges of that topic; this book, now in its 13th edition, is the sum total Aronson's life work as a social psychologist dedicated to providing scientific answers in that field.
It's certainly a slow read, as it's very nearly a textbook; there's some repetition, and there are likely topical and perhaps scientific differences between editions. (Early editions, I am told, focused overmuch on the Kent State shooting. That is how long Aronson has worked on this book.) However, even with those extremely minor caveats, this woefully under-read book painstakingly encapsulates so much of what makes us human, good and bad, and nearly all of it is based on landmark scientific research from all over the world. It is a brilliant life's work.
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