Film yourself with Amir and share your video on Social Media!
Film yourself with Amir and share your video on Social Media! Thanks to "Amir & Moi" app, Amir will appear on your phone screen as an augmented reality hologram. You will be able to sing with him his single "5 minutes avec toi".
Holome's technology enables you to display Amir's hologram wherever you are. He will perform his single within the environment you chose for him. You will witness a unique performance of this single “5 minutes avec toi”!
You can also shoot a video of yourself and Amir or recording a video clip, depending on your creativity. You will be able to record theses videos (1 minute length) on your mobile phone and share these to your Social Media. Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to dance the official video clip’s choreography? Choose the environment where Amir will perform, and choose with who he will perform.