اختبارات الكفاءة تقيس قدراتك الطبيعية. لا تتطلب معرفة متخصصة
Aptitude tests measure your natural abilities. While they don’t require specialist knowledge or a set of finely honed skills, they powerfully reveal your potential to achieve in the future.
Aptitude tests are an excellent and well-proven way to bring clarity and direction to your career. Unlike ability tests that reveal your existing skills, aptitude tests show whether you would be suitable for particular types of task. The results can have a profound and positive effect on the career development decisions you need to make from time to time.
There are no trick questions. Aptitude tests seek to highlight your true potential. They usefully cut through the distracting static of social and personal beliefs and expectations. Aptitude tests offer an objective assessment and give you a reliable appreciation of what you could really achieve.
Work to your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Discovering your real potential is a liberating and powerful experience. It gives you the opportunity to identify and correct your weak areas as well as playing to your strengths. This better balance makes you more widely employable and enhances your job satisfaction.
With this knowledge you will make better career and personal decisions. You will approach new tasks with confidence – knowing where you will do well on your own and where it is sensible to ask for help.