Wonderful Animal Alphabet for Children
Animal ABC Alphabet for Kids - set of wild nature photos with description, from Alligator and Antelope to Yak and Zebra.
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List of animals:
01 Alligator. Alligator from Oasis Park
02 Alligator. Albino Alligator in Water
03 Antelope. Blackbuck antelope of India
04 Antelope. Antelope in Samburu
05 Baboon. Olive baboon
06 Baboon. Baboon with mother, Tanzania
07 Badger. European badger
08 Badger. American badger
09 Camel. Dromedary camel
10 Camel. Bactrian camel
11 Cat. African wild cat
12 Cat. American feral farm cat
13 Deer. Stag Red Deer
14 Deer. White-tailed deer in Canada
15 Dog. Labrador Retriever
16 Dog. Mixed-breed dog
17 Echidna. Short-beaked echidna
18 Echidna. Echidna curled into a ball
19 Elephant. African elephant in Tanzania
20 Elephant. Asian elephant in India
21 Fox. Fennec fox
22 Fox. Red fox from Colorado
23 Frog. Australian green tree frog
24 Frog. Panamanian golden frog
25 Gazelle. Mhorr gazelle
26 Gazelle. Thomson's gazelle
27 Giraffe. West African giraffe
28 Giraffe. Giraffe bending down to drink
29 Hamster. Syrian hamster
30 Hamster. Roborovski hamster
31 Hippopotamus.
32 Hippopotamus. Hippo underwater
33 Jackal. A black-backed jackal in Namibia
34 Jackal. Golden jackal
35 Jaguar from Norfolk, England
36 Jaguar. Melanistic (black) jaguar
37 Kangaroo. Red kangaroo at Taronga Zoo
38 Kangaroo. Western grey kangaroos
39 Koala. Mother with joey on back
40 Koala on Kangaroo Island
41 Lemur. Ring-tailed lemur
42 Lemur.
43 Lion. Male lion
44 Lion. Female lion (lioness)
45 Manatee. Antillean manatee
46 Manatee.
47 Meerkat. At Victoria, Australia
48 Meerkats At Auckland Zoo
49 Newt. Red-spotted newt
50 Newt. Alpine Newt
51 Nightingale. Common Nightingale
52 Octopus.
53 Opossum. Virginia Opossum
54 Parrot. Blue-and-yellow Macaw
55 Parrot. Uvea Parakeet
56 Penguin. Adelie Penguin feeding young
57 Penguin. Humboldt Penguins
58 Quail. Brown Quail
59 Quail. Mountain Quail
60 Quelea. Cardinal Quelea
61 Quelea. Red-headed Quelea
62 Rabbit. Eastern Cottontail
63 Rabbit. European rabbit
64 Rat. Laboratory Zucker rat
65 Rat. Brown rat
66 Salamander. A fire salamander in Greece
67 Salamander. Southern torrent salamander
68 Scorpion. Compsobuthus werneri with young
69 Scorpion. The deathstalker
70 Tapir. A Baird's tapir in Belize
71 Tapir. A mountain tapir
72 Termite. Worker termite
73 Termite. Worker termite
74 Viper. Mexican west coast rattlesnake
75 Vulture. Griffon Vulture soaring
76 Walrus on Alaska, Bering Sea
77 Walrus. Young Pacific walruses
78 Wasp. German wasp
79 Wasp. European beewolf
80 Yak. Yak at central Nepal.
81 Yak. Domestic Yak at zoo in New York
82 Zebra. Zebras in Mikumi, Tanzania
83 Zebra. Zebras in Botswana
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