Over 17,000 Free Documentary Movies and Films Available.
We listened to our fans! Very proud to introduce the new free documentary video app - "Documentaries Free". Included are many great free documentary movies, films and videos including the below subjects:
★ World War II (WWII) Government Films
★ Propaganda Documentaries
★ Social Issues Movies
★ War Documentary
★ Classic Documentaries
★ 9/11 World Trade Center Videos
★ Political and Presidential Documentaries
★ Space and NASA Videos
★ Search Engine for Documentaries Database with 17,000 Movies
★ Very Small App Download Size (2.4mb)
★ All Free!
As always we have done this with a beautiful user dashboard and great functionality. We take great pride in our other apps you all have enjoyed and appreciate your interest in our newest one.
As a small development company we know how important it is to keep in touch with our customers. With this said, we encourage you to contact us with any comments, feedback or questions. Reach out via our www.trustedfeed.com website or plus.google.com/+briandanielyoung
Keep on rockin'
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