আপনার ফোনে Qr কোড স্ক্যানার এবং বারকোড স্ক্যানার
The Qr Code Barcode Scanner is a power fast and easy scan and qrcode generator Qr Code and barcode for your phone every time and every where with full features.
Qr code reader and barcode reader easy one click to check it all.
Main Features:
- Use Qr Code Barcode Scanner app to scan & genenrate fons of QR/Barcodes
- Scan any type of QR/Barcodes ( scan URL, Wifi, Location, Contact and mush more)
- Create muiltiple QR Code (Text, URL, Wifi, Location, Contact).
- Generate Barcode and other 2D Code.
- View history Qr code and Barcode scanned, generated.
- Scanner setting.
- Fanpage: https://facebook.com/megamestudio
- My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoangmegame
- Email: megamestudio2020@gmail.com