QR Code R/W allows you to scan barcodes and create QR codes
This application allows you to scan any barcode, using your device's camera and also create QR codes.
The scanner has the following features:
-It allows you to scan several codes at the same time.
-It recognizes the format of the code, i.e. if it is QR, EAN13, Data Matrix, etc.
-It recognizes the type of code, ie, if it is Product, ISBN, WIFI, etc.
The application separates the barcodes in 2 big groups:
-Scanned codes: are all the codes that we scan using the camera.
-My codes: are all the QR codes we create.
To better organize the barcodes, they can be marked as a favorite, or a label can be applied to them.
-Favorites: lists all the barcodes that have the favorite mark. We can mark as a favorite both scanned codes and codes we create ourselves.
-Labels: the application allows to create labels, with a name and a color, and to label the barcodes. This way we can organize the codes and find them faster.
The labels can be ordered, for this purpose hold down on the label, drag and drop it in the desired position.
Creating QR codes
To create a QR code we must follow the following steps:
1- Choose the type of QR: it can be WIFI, SMS, TEXT, etc.
2- Complete the form according to the type selected.
3- Define the parameters of the QR:
-Version: the application supports from version 1 to 40.
-Correction Level: supports 4 options: L (Low), M (Medium), Q (Quartile) and H (High).
-Background color: background color of the QR.
-Foreground color: internal color of the QR.