স্টোরিটাউনে আপনার প্রিয় বাচ্চাদের বই পড়ুন!
Storytown is a top reading platform with a wide variety of children's books and interactive post-reading activities!
A great book for your child is always just a few clicks away! Storytown is like a digital children's library in your pocket, with books grouped by categories and searchable by titles or keywords. Topics include dragons, adventure, friendship, nature, animals, family, school, pets, birthdays, and much more. Help your child become a super reader who enjoys reading today!
Also, with our new post-reading activities, you can now play jigsaw puzzles based on the book covers, and shake your device to shuffle the pieces! You can also unleash your creativity and doodle on the books, and shake your device to reset the drawings!