My database of anime KIMI NO NA WA " YOUR NAME " wallpaper app
My database of anime KIMI NO NA WA " YOUR NAME " wallpaper app is always update daily, you will be receiving a notification when we update wallpaper or add a new anime wallpaper category title. beside that we have minimalist / vector anime wallpaper too, so what do you waiting for? install the app now.
Anime HD Desktop Wallpapers for Widescreen, Fullscreen, High Definition!
What is new?
Slideshow “Anime Wallpapers” is now also LIVE WALLPAPER!!!!
Anime Wallpapers is the application of the collection of Anime, KIMI NO NAWA , YOUR NAME.
Applications have beautiful design, friendly, easy to use for all mobile and tablet devices.
Some application functions:
- Images load very fast.
- HD image quality.
- Set wallpaper for your device.
- The new images are added every day.
- Download images to SD card.
- View images downloaded
Thank you and enjoy!