Best Social Science Cheat Sheet! Contains all topics of the school course
The best social science cheat sheet!
Contains all the topics of the school course!
The reference book will help systematize knowledge, prepare for lessons, tests, as well as for the OGE and the Unified State Exam.
In the reference, you will find:
- Natural and social in man
- Worldview, its types and forms
- Types of knowledge
- The concept of truth, its criteria
- Thinking and acting
- Needs and interests
- Freedom and necessity in human activity
- Systemic structure of society: elements and subsystems
- Basic institutions of society
- The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture
- The science. The main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences and humanities
- Education, its importance for the individual and society
- Religion
- Art
- Morality
- The concept of social progress
- Multivariate social development (types of societies)
- Threats of the XXI century (global problems)
- Economics and Economic Science
- Factors of production and factor income
- Economic systems
- Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand
- Fixed and variable costs
- Financial institutions. Banking system
- Main sources of business financing
- Securities
- Labor market. Unemployment
- Types, causes and consequences of inflation
- Economic growth and development. GDP concept
- The role of the state in the economy
- Taxes
- World economy
- Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen
- Social stratification and mobility
- Social groups
- Youth as a social group
- Ethnic communities
- Interethnic relations, ethno-social conflicts, ways to resolve them
- Constitutional principles (foundations) of national policy
- Social conflict
- Types of social norms
- Social control
- Freedom and responsibility
- Deviant behavior and its types
- Social role
- Socialization of the individual
- Family and marriage
- The concept of power
- State, its functions
- Political system
- Typology of political regimes
- Democracy, its basic values and features
- Civil society and the state
- Political elite
- Political parties and movements
- Mass media in the political system
- Election campaign
- Political process
- Political participation
- Political leadership
- Government departments
- Federal structure of Russia
- Law in the system of social norms
- The system of Russian law. legislative process in the Russian Federation
- Concept and types of legal responsibility
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation
- Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections
- Subjects of civil law
- Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity
- Property and non-property rights
- The procedure for hiring. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract
- Legal regulation of relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for the conclusion and dissolution of marriage
- Features of administrative jurisdiction
- The right to a healthy environment and how to protect it
- International law
- Disputes, the procedure for their consideration
- Basic rules and principles of civil procedure
- Features of the criminal procedure
- Russian citizenship
- Conscription, alternative civilian service
- Rights and obligations of the taxpayer
- Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system