Learn Java and Kotlin From Basic To Advanced .
Java Academy (Kotlin)
Java is Object Oriented Programming language. It is designed for student, Professional, Enterprise level. it run on any platform.so, it is called as platform independent Language. It is used in desktop, web Application, enterprise level like Banking, Mobile App development, and so many applications of java.
There are Many java versions have been released till now. The current stable release of Java is Java SE 11. We will Learn basic And advanced concepts of java as well as Kotlin. we will following topics :
1. Object
2. Class
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
5. Abstraction
6. Encapsulation and many topics.
Also, in java academy app we have included the new kotlin language for the Android App development. it is also similar to java. It normally uses for mobile app development. You will be following learn topics in app:
• Architecture
• Control Flow
• Class & Object in kotlin
• Constructors
• Interface
• Visibility Control
• Extension
• Data Classes and many more….
So Learn the java and kotlin language from our app and make some Dynamic and static android app.