Listen to the song Qasidah mp3 offline and the latest complete nasida ria
The offline Qasidah MP3 Songs application contains more than 20 best qasidah songs, can be downloaded directly to your android smartphone. This application can be used as a medium to teach children about Islam through songs.
In this application a lot of qasidah song titles and the best that you can hear. In qasidah songs a lot of advice delivered through songs, advice for everyday life.
Masjid Tua
Doa Dan Dzikir
Muhammad Al-Amin
Assalamu Alaik
Yaa Ramadhan
Air Zam-zam
Yasir Lanaa
Ya Robbibil Mustofa
Ya Abal Hasanain
Jangan Bercermin Di Air Keruh
Ya Badratim
Kota Santri
Hormati Guru
Misteri Dunia
Ingin Aku Dicinta
Langit Dan Bumi
Qasidah MP3 Application Features:
- No Need Internet Connection
- Can be played with background sound mode
- Can be set as Ringtone