レビュー: 2.6k レーティング: 8.3
オープンワールドでのアクションゲームマフィアスタイル。 ギャングに参加して戦闘
Cuz it work
Use VPN Master Change sever to US u can fix guys
**** this **** game it only shows a ****ing black screen ****
#crypto xrpHeylink.me/freebitcoin
You need to fix the black screen it's quite ******** so in the next update fix, that
This game is so fun if you like a black screen
Wow So FuN A BLaCk ScREeN
I think it works for me cause I just found out it's still on my device soo I suggest other people to try to get a weird knockoff of gta or one or those games made by that one guy with low graphics but there very cool so check em out