This app let you control whether Doze mode is used, which can cause issues.
Boeffla Doze Control allows you to disable Doze mode temporarily or during every start.
Doze can cause various issues, mainly delayed notifications and scheduled activities not starting in time.
This app is only useful on Android versions that have Doze mode implemented, i.e. it is Android 6 (Marshmallow) or newer.
ACCESS_SUPERUSER: This app requires root!!! If you do not have a rooted phone, it will not work.
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Required to allow the app to switch off doze after every restart automatically.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Internal storage permission is required to write log files, if this is switched on.
What else makes this app special?
•App is extremely light-weight, having only a size of below 70kb.
•No advertisements
•No background services
•No special permissions apart from root