Get ideas in crochet design for beginners.
Knitting is the method of making fabrics, clothing or clothing from knitting yarns. Different from weaving crossing two rows of perpendicular threads, knitting only using a thread. A finished stitch held in one of the knitting needles until the start of a new puncture.
Sometimes equipment such as hakpen (knitting needle) and knit yarn can not be seen as something that has a lot of potential. Actually when used for knitting, the possibilities are endless. Follow these simple steps to learn how to crochet crochet techniques, and in a short time-like a professional-you will be able to make sweaters, shawls / shawls and laps.
Knitting is an easy-to-learn hand skill. Only by relying on a piece of yarn and a needle hook, we can make various kinds of knitted products. Simply starting from four kinds of simple basic skewer then we can make various objects. Starting from small objects such as accessories, dolls, scarves, to bed covers / blankets.
The first step of knitting basic skill after making slip knot or start node is Cast On / prick / starting skull. For those of you beginners and do not know knitting knit, it helps you go back to the previous article, what is knitting knit?
Crochet technique is a technique that cultivates the yarn by forming the tangles with the help of one hook / needle / songket and the result of the whole linking to form a new object or material.
Basic Knitting Technique - After previously you have learned about Knit Handicraft. Make sure you understand first about the basic knitting craft and what things need to be prepared to start making knitting craft. In this article will be discussed more towards the techniques that you can use to knit. You can also try to understand better. but before that remember well the following terms.
Weave crossed two parallel threads perpendicular while knitting requires only a single thread. A pin prick to be held until a new puncture begins
Various types of knitting needles and yarn sizes are used to produce knits of different shapes. Garment products made from knitted products, for example: sweaters, scarves, blankets, hats. socks, up to blouses, dresses. and tunics.
100% cotton knitted yarn (100% cotton): Cotton knit yarn is good for making anything that can be washed frequently (eg dish cloth). Cotton threads are water-absorbing and easy to wash.
After all materials and equipment are available, we can start making knits immediately. The steps are quite easy to follow the basic puncture code, which is chain (ch), single crochet (sc), half double crochet (hdc), and double crochet (dc). For example, make a chain (ch) as a first step in every knit by following the steps below.
Hakpen has various sizes. Its use is tailored to the size of the yarn. Because if the hakpen is too small, the result of knitting will be too tight and rigid. Vice versa, if hakpen is too big, then the result of knitting will look big and potholes.
Chain stitch (ch) = puncture chain
Slip stitch (sl st) = skewer
Picot = 3 cluster chain
Single crochet (sc) = single skewer
Cotton thread is a yarn made of cotton. This thread is suitable for use by you who are still learning how to knit because it is light and has many color variations. With this yarn you can make various kinds of handicrafts, such as knit fabrics, handbags, tablecloths, wallets and more.