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Could you be pregnant? For some women, the earliest symptoms of pregnancy appear in the first few weeks after conception.
But even before you miss a period, you may suspect - or hope - that you're pregnant. For some women, early symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first few weeks after conception.
Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration.
The following early signs and symptoms of pregnancy checklist are only a guideline. Many early pregnancy symptoms can appear similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts.
Sometimes it's hard to interpret the signals your body is sending you. If you suspect you might be experiencing the first signs of pregnancy, you're probably eager to know for sure. Here we list some of the early signs of pregnancy, but keep in mind you may only notice some of them. If you're in doubt about whether you're pregnant, a home pregnancy test or your healthcare provider can confirm it.
Getting a healthy start on your pregnancy can do a lot to ensure that you have a smooth nine months ahead of you. The earlier you find out that you are pregnant, the better. Taking a pregnancy test is the only surefire way to know, but there are earlier signs of pregnancy that can help you decide if you should take the test.
Perhaps the most obvious signs of pregnancy are changes in menstruation. Between six and 12 days after conception, you may notice spotting or bleeding as the embryo becomes implanted in your uterine wall. This is known as implantation bleeding and is one of the first signs of pregnancy.
After that, your periods will likely become delayed or stop altogether. This is when most women suspect pregnancy. However, some women continue to experience bleeding even while pregnant, though it is rarely like a normal period. Because of that, you shouldn't wait for menstruation to end as the only sign you need a pregnancy test.
You may notice that your breasts are tender, sore, tingly or fuller than usual. This usually sets in one or two weeks after conception. Additionally, your areolas—or the skin around your nipples—may become darker due to hormonal changes.
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