Node-RED server runs on Android
This app can run Node-RED on Android.
Just press the start button. If necessary, you can also set the BASIC authentication at port switching and Node-RED login. When setting up BASIC authentication, please enter both username and password.
When Node-RED starts up, the URL will be displayed, so please access the browser or local PC of that device.
- Node-RED + Dashboard (Node@12.19.0)
- Simple Start (one click)
- Basic authentication can be set.
- Port changeable
- Access from the local network
- Launch dashboard quickly within the app
- Support App Shortcuts ( > android 8.0)
- Supports URL scheme (redmobile://)
- Original nodes specialized for Android
Original nodes
- motion
- gyroscope sensor
- light sensor
- geolocation
- compass
- magnetic sensor
- voice recognition
- speech synthesis
- InAppBrower
- dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt)
- vibrate
- beep
- camera
- USB serial
- Firebase Cloud Message
- MLKit (beta)
a palette manager can not be used.