อัปเดตสถานการณ์ปัจจุบันรายวัน, ไฟล์ PDF พิเศษ GK และ RRB NTPC / Group-D แบบคงที่
Daily Current Affairs in Hindi-2020 for RRB,SSC app is one of the best current affairs app for competitive exams.
This app provide current affairs in detail and easy to understand.
This current affair app is usefully for all railways exam like ntpc group d etc
So if you are preparing for RRB exams the this app is very helpful for you.
This app deals with the following sections-
Daily current affairs in Hindi special for RRB NTPC and RRB gropu D exams
Current affairs in pdf also
Static GK in pdf file
You will get all exam notification on time
Yoy will get sports & Games section also
Features of this app-
Following are some features of this app--
Easy and clean interface
Small in size(around 10MB)
Dynamic content(Daily update)
Online and off-line mode