Lionel Richie


3.3 โดย Sanobe
Nov 5, 2017 เวอร์ชั่นเก่า

เกี่ยวกับ Lionel Richie

Lionel Richie Hello

Lionel Brockman Richie, Jr. was born and raised in Tuskegee, Alabama, the son of Alberta R. (Foster) and Lionel Brockman Richie, Sr. He grew up on the campus of Tuskegee Institute. Richie graduated from Joliet Township High School, East Campus. A star tennis player in Joliet, he accepted a tennis scholarship to attend Tuskegee Institute, and dropped out of Tuskegee Institute after his sophomore year. Richie seriously considered studying divinity to becoming a priest with the Episcopal Church, but ultimately decided he was not "priest material" and decided to continue his musical career. He is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, a national honor fraternity for marching band members, and an active life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Top Songs:

1. Hello

2. Endless Love

3. All Night Long

4. Stuck on You

5. Say You, Say Me

6. Easy

7. Truly

8. Penny Lover

9. Endless Love Theme

10. You Are

11. Running With the Night

12. I Call It Love

13. My Destiny

14. My Love

15. Sail On

16. Deep River Woman

17. Do It to Me

18. Just Go

19. Lady

20. To Love a Woman

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