Public Alert and Information System : service provided by the French Government
SAIP, which stands for “système d’alerte et d’information des populations” (public alert and information system) is the French Government’s location-based alert app designed to provide you with information in a major crisis situation (such as a terrorist attack, bomb alert or kidnapping). This service is aimed at increasing security in France.
The initial phase of this alert app, which is free for users, enables you to receive :
* Notifications
On your smartphone about ongoing alerts relating to an attack (public security alert) or any consequences this might have (civilian security alerts following nuclear risks or risks posed by hazardous products or hydraulic structure failure).
* Location-based alerts
In order to receive alerts based on whether or not you are located in an at-risk zone, you are asked to agree to allow your smartphone to use your location data. However, unlike conventional apps using GPS, no information is passed on from your mobile phone: the SAIP app uses innovative, unique technology which processes information only on each mobile device, so users’ geographical positions and/or identities are not passed on to or stored on IT servers.
* Alerts from other zones
The app has also been designed to receive alert notifications concerning zones other than your current location. You can save up to 8 geographical zones (postcodes or municipalities) so that you are informed of any alerts near friends or family.
With prevention in mind, advice on what to do and how to act is also available on the app, even outside of any immediate alert.
Available in French and English on all smartphones running iOS and Android operating systems, the app also has an option for users to share the ongoing alerts they receive on social networks and thus help to make security messages go viral more quickly.
This app bolsters the existing public alert and information system in France (which includes sirens and pre-formatted radio messages) and is part of an overall approach to developing a culture of public vigilance regarding risks and particularly – in this first phase – the threat posed by terrorism, and how best we can protect ourselves in the event of an attack.
* Features of the app :
+ Location-based notifications in the event of an alert:
+ Guidance on how to act and instructions to follow;
+ Up to 8 geographical zones can be monitored;
+ Ongoing alerts can be shared on social networks;
+ No user data is passed on;
+ Available in French and English.