下載 APKPure App
- 動態主題顏色
- 歌詞支持(包括離線,在線和嵌入歌詞)
- 主屏幕小部件
- 桌面歌詞
- 自定義專輯和藝術家和播放列表圖像和自動下載
- 鎖屏播放控件
- 自定義播放速率
- 均衡器(內置和系統)
- 睡眠定時器
- 標籤編輯器
- 創建,編輯,導入,導出播放列表
Last updated on 2024年07月27日
1.Fixed the problem that webdav could not play flac and could not read the directory correctly
2. Long press on the edge of the playback interface to play at 2x speed
3. Supports multi-select import of m3u
4. Add prompts when selecting local lyrics (for Android 11 and above, please ensure that the local lyrics files are placed in the public directory (such as Downloads, Music, etc.))
5. Fix the crash when popupmenu pops up under android 8 or below
6. Try to fix other crashes