A simple, useful and easy to use flight computer for students and professions
E6B Pathfinder provides essential and useful flight computations and calculations for flight operations, planning and navigation. The functions combine those of a classical E6B/CX-2/CX-3 flight computer and more. The simple material design makes it easy to navigate through the application to find what you need.
The application has two sections.
The main section functions include:
-Pressure Altitude
-Density Altitude
-True Altitude
-Jet Standard Atmosphere
- Cloud Base
-Plan TAS
-Actual TAS
-Required CAS
-Plan Mach#
-Actual Mach#
-Fuel Burn
-Fuel Rate
-(PRO) Fuel Converter
- Heading & Ground Speed
-Heading & TAS
-Track & Ground Speed
-Compass Heading
-Leg Time
-Distance Flown
-Ground Speed
-Wind Speed & Direction
-Headwind & Crosswind Components
-(PRO) Point of Equal Time
-(PRO) Point of Equal Time (Expanded)
-(PRO) Point of No Return
-(PRO) Point of No Return (Expanded)
-(PRO) Critical Point
-(PRO) Critical Point (Expanded)
-Glide Distance
-Height Loss
-Glide Ratio
-(PRO) Rate of Climb/Descent
-(PRO) Rate of Climb/Descent (using Gradient)
-(PRO) Climb Ratio
-(PRO) Climb Ratio (using Gradient)
-(PRO) Top of Climb
-(PRO) Top of Descent
The Extras section functions include:
-Units Converter
-Stop Watch
-Countdown Timer
Other Features:
-(PRO) Light & Dark Theme
-Ability to change units
-Ability to change calculation accuracy
For an feedback, additions or error reports, feel free to send them over to the developer using the email given.