Love themed Dialer with best looking Dial pad.
Love Dialer for people who are in love and want to Dial their loved ones in style. Love Dial pad is the best looking contacts and Dialer tool for anyone who want to dial their friends and loved ones in style.
Love Dialpad is the best way to call someone and Love Dial pad provides love view to any call you make. Love Dial pad provides quick and easy way to call someone in love. Love Dial pad is the best phone Dialer with easy way to dial and at the same time best looking dialer in the market.
Features of Love Dialer:
* Love Pad to Dial the numbers which looks awesome with the Love theme.
* Love Call log with recently dialed numbers for Quick access
* Filtering the Love contacts as you dial numbers on the Love pad.
* Long click on Love Contacts to open the contacts view.
Love Dialpad is based on open sourced version of Dialer2 ( Please contact for any license related questions.