EMF Radar / GEO Sensor Detection, VIDEO / AUDIO ITC application. Ghost hunting
VBE SENTRY ( EMF / GEO - Ghost Box ). This puppy is designed for both mobile and stationary usage. This is a full Blown, Ghost Hunting Application for professional use.
This is so you can take full advantage of the application.
The EMF / GEO Mode, is active in Stand Mode, only.
Walk Mode, Turns off the Geo Sensor and adds 5.01 to the Base EMF Calibration.
Calibration is now easier. The new setup uses simple numbers to calibrate. Much easier to share Calibration codes.
The EMF Radar from my previous app, is now in the center of this app. It works just like the previous version. Spot on!
The GEO Sensor part of the Application, was created from my GH Ghost Box data, mixed with the V6Audio.
The EMF Sensor Audio, is the famous V3AudioV2.
Both Audio Tracks together, sound fantastic.
This Version has Video ITC as well as Visual activation via the sensors in your device.
Please Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC, if you need help with calibration or using this device.
Thank you, for using VBE INC Applications.