Neon City Live Wallpaper

1.6 bởi
Jan 26, 2019

Về Neon City Live Wallpaper

Hình nền sống với một thành phố neon thực hiện trong phong cách retro của thập niên 80.

If you like neon lights and skyscrapers, these live wallpaper created especially for you. Multi-layer neon city created in retro style of 80s and has many of animated elements, such as electonic ground, moving neon sun, moving trains. You can set the direction of the background to the right or to the left. The colors of the buildings, the sky, and other objects vary smoothly during the day.

Be on the retro wave!


- setting for parallax

- repeating background for all devices

- OpenGLES 2.0

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Neon City Live Wallpaper Thay thế

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