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您可以随时随地在自己的各种设备上畅享数百万最新的 Android 应用、游戏、音乐、电影、电视节目、图书、杂志等精彩内容。
Rádio_FM je slovenské hudobné rádio s presahom do aktuálneho celospoločenského diania a kultúry. V playlistoch nájdete nezávislú hudobnú produkciu od indie rocku cez dubstep, hip-hop, drum and bass, world music, metal, až po tanečnú elektronickú hudbu či džez. Aplikácia vám ho teraz prináša aj pre Android telefón. Stačí sa pripojiť k WiFi alebo do 3G siete a môžete počúvať živý stream, sledovať playlist a jednoducho zdielať obľúbenú skladbu na facebook, twitter alebo scrobbliť na last.fm.
Radio_FM is a part of Radio and Television Slovakia. It's focused on young listeners who avoid consumer musical production and are interested in marginal alternative music genres such as indie, alternative rock, hip-hop & urban, worldmusic, drum and bass and so on. Through its broadcasting it tries to discover, highlight and promote music by artists who do not receive air time on the commercial broadcasters. This application will now bring it into your Android phone. Simply connect to WiFi or 3G network and listen to a live stream, watch the playlist and easily share your favorite song on facebook, twitter or on last.fm.
Last updated on 2016年02月14日
Opravené načítavanie práve hranej skladby a playlistu. Upravený vzhľad aplikácie.
App now correctly loads both the playlist and the on-air song. We also updated the user interface a bit.
1.5 by Apptives